Montauk Lighthouse Museum Photo Gallery

Below are some digital images I took while visiting the Montauk lighthouse museum on February 14, 1999. Although these images give you an idea of what a Fresnel lens looks like, I strongly recommend that you visit the museum yourself. There are many more interesting displays, the staff are courteous and knowledgeable, the view from the tower is great, and Fresnel lenses must be seen in person if you wish to grasp the beauty of them.

You may contact the museum at 516-668-2544. Ouside the 516 area code, you may call them at 1-888-MTK-POINT. Visit their website at

Of course there's a gift shop at the museum, so you can bring home T-shirts, books, magnets, and all that, for those friends and family who aren't fortunate enough to go along.

(I know the above probably sounds like an advertisement, but I make no apologies for that. It's a great place to visit and an important cause to support.)


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This room, which used to be the station's communications room, contains a nice array of lenses and lamps.

From left to right, front row: Incandescent oil vapor lamp; Sixth order range lens; 300mm lens lantern.

Back row: Fourth order Fresnel lens made in 1933 by the American Gas Accumulator Co., with a three bulb lamp changer ca. 1912; Fifth order Fresnel lens made by Henry LePaute of Paris, with a fifth order service lamp; First order escapement lamp made by Henry LePaute in 1855.

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The sixth order range lens; Fifth order Fresnel lens.


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Fourth order Fresnel lens from 1933, with a three bulb lamp changer; 300mm lens lantern with one-day lamp.


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The 3 1/2 order bivalve lens that was in the Montauk lantern room from 1903-1987; a flashing Fresnel lens with rotating mechanism. These two lenses are in the oil room, just outside the entrance to the tower. These lenses are beautiful.


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